Teen Intermediate
"Congratulations on passing the Beginner level and welcome to the Intermediate level colours of the GIANT Hapkido syllabus"
The Intermediate modules cover a traditional meditation strengthening position known as the Nae Ga Shin Jang, enjoy…
Increase your conditioning limits and learn how to confidently start jumping your falling techniques to ensure your body can cope and remain safe from injury when your body falls or receives impact.
You will start combining your striking techniques into effective kickboxing combinations and increase your stand-up defensive options along with more kicking techniques.
Now with most of the grappling positions understood from the Beginner Modules, we move to learning more escapes, movement, armlock and leglock submissions improving your ground fighting.
Continue on more throwing and submission techniques within the clinch range. Learn self-defence from more scenarios such as bear hugs, headlocks, punching and kicking attacks. You will learn escapes, strikes and control with throwing and submissions from all of these situations.
You are also now ready to put all that you have learnt so far into free flowing sparring practice. Ensure to purchase your sparring equipment and get ready!!! Sparring will teach you how to improve on movement, timing, reaction, distance, speed and more importantly… taking a hit and not giving up! That is what life is about!
Do not stress too much as sparring will be taught to you in stages prior to having a go completely freestyle.
We trust you will enjoy the Intermediate modules! Go train and have fun!