Private Lessons

For individuals, partners or small groups looking to perfect and refine their skills, private lessons with an Instructor of over 15 years' experience in various martial art disciplines is guaranteed to help advance your abilities to remarkable levels.

Having private lessons mixed in with group classes is the best way to learn and improve. So if you are getting stuck in your progress, not improving fast enough or you want to know how to counter that armbar or right cross that everyone has been getting you with, then private lessons is a great way to fix the problem.

If you have missed some classes and grading is coming up, private lessons can also help work with you at your  own rate of learning to gain the positive results and help advance you through the curriculum. Private lesson costs can be cheaper if you bring a friend or two.

We offer private lessons for:

  • Individuals

  • Couples

  • Training partners

  • Small groups

  • Families

Contact us NOW to book in your private lesson!

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“There is a little GIANT inside everybody
170 Stoney Creek Rd,
Bexley NSW 2207
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