GIANT Legacy Awards

The ABC of achieving a legacy award at GIANT:


Someone who is a "Go Getter" and Success driven! Having achieved an advanced level in rank at GIANT.


A Giving charitable attitude! Promoting and helping develop GIANT curriculum and systems.


Years of loyalty and dedication to the multiple programs and Martial Art styles at GIANT.

GIANT GOLD Lifetime Award (20+ years)

GIANT SILVER Veteran Award (10+ years)

Joshua Chaar

Jesse Kircher

Justin Souros


GIANT BRONZE Dedication Award (5+ years)

Bill Wannous 

Antonia Gregoriou 

Christopher Gregoriou 

Elvis Roda 

Danny Challita 

Paula Challita 

George Mantzavrakos 

Stuart Nurse 

Zahid Bank 

Sharon Lo 

Simon Moss 

Nicholas Papadopoulos 

Linda Petrevski  

Kamal Mourad 

Roger Hoang 

Johnny Hoang 

Lucas De Sousa 

Zoe De Sousa 

Anthony Baladi 

Rosemary Goncalves 

Christopher Attieh 

Dimitri Stavropoulos 

Jasmine Vasilevski 

Luca Taylor

Cameron Brotherton


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“There is a little GIANT inside everybody
170 Stoney Creek Rd,
Bexley NSW 2207
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