Interclub Sparring Day

Written on the 1 April 2024

Interclub Sparring Day


We have another combined interclub sparring session for Giant Martial Arts affiliate clubs.

The aim of the session is to provide students the opportunity to spar against someone they are not used to sparring in a safe environment.

The session will be mainly about giving you time 'in the ring' time to try and get the simple things right such as timing and distance.

We will run through warm-up and drills for an hour, then open sparring. You can choose how you would like to spar and communicate with your partners. In this session we may have 3 phases of sparring rounds in grappling, striking or mixing it all up, you and your partner can choose how you would like to spar, as an example if you have a leg injury, you can choose light boxing instead. The session will run for approx 2 hours so prepare to pace yourself and stick within the means of your limits whilst also being brave to try something new. There will be advanced and complete beginners to sparring on the mat so lots of learning for everyone.




Here is how it will work:

* Open to Green Belt and above (or experienced in sparring, ask your instructor) members from invited schools.
* No uniforms, please wear a T-shirt or rashie with shorts or track-pants.
* 16oz boxing gloves, shin guards, groin guard and mouth guard compulsory, headgear recommended.
* We will try to match partners by size and grade.
* Can manage the type of sparring you want to do eg. Body sparring, Boxing only, Kickboxing only, Grappling only with Gloves, Amateur MMA and can go to ground (keep gloves on) when on ground can tap or resume standup sparring anytime. If you both want to keep grappling, stay on the ground. No knees or elbows. Light contact, spar to learn not to hurt.
* Take into account preferences of your partner (eg. limited ground-work due to weak neck or shoulder or no leg kicks due to previous knee or leg injuries etc.)
* No techniques that can't be pulled or controlled.
* No ego's, you have to look after each other co-operative sparring light contact there are no 'winners' just 'learners'!
* Tell your partner if they are hitting too hard, can talk to you partner during sparring.
* Can stop anytime for a break and can resume anytime (no-one is judging).
* If anyone loses their cool they will be told to go home.
* Everyone should finish the day with no injuries and a bit better at real sparring.

Where: 170 Stoney Creek Road, Bexley

When: TBA in August

Cost per participant = $20

Be there!!!


See some past footage of previous interclub sparring days below:

May 2023



June 2021


November 2020


March 2020


April 2019


November 2018


May 2018


February 2017


November 2016

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“There is a little GIANT inside everybody
170 Stoney Creek Rd,
Bexley NSW 2207
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