GIANT Demo Team Update

Written on the 4 June 2022

GIANT Demo Team Update


The Demo Team is going to be KICKING into lots of performances later in this coming spring season 2022.

If you are interested in increasing your skill level and gain confidence to the ultimate level, come and find out how to join our Demo team.

Training is organised via a personalised Whatsap group month to month and is usually on a Friday evening.

Check out a recent training session where the team was working on somersaults:

Being part of the Demo Team will take your Martial Arts skill to the next level. You will learn what it takes to be part of an Elite team with a purpose to show your superb skill to the greater community!

The Demo team classes are dynamic and exciting that combine it all - self defence, acrobatics, weapons, trick kicking and breaking skills put together to thrill an audience. Learn new techniques and well round your skills in all areas of martial arts. Be part of an encouraging team that will help build your confidence and courage to take charge of an audience and display your martial art skills. Join the thrill and travel the world with us!

To get involved you must first make a request to the demonstration team captain, Instructor Anthony Repice and he will take you through the basics of what you need to know for entry level into the Demo team.

T - ogether

E- veryone

A - chieves

M - ore

Demonstration Team Practice is usually on Friday nights and time varies month to month, ask the Instructor to confirm.


Click here for more information on our Demonstration Performance Team


Check out a quick flick of the Martial Art College International (MACI) Demo Team days between 2008 and 2012. Featuring Grandmaster Ryoo, Master Kim, Instructor Giorgio and Anthony Repice together with many old students:


Recent Demo where our team placed 1st at the Australian Hapkido Federation Championship in Canberra:


Oatley Village Festival 2019:


Hurstville Council Lugarno Lions Spring Festival 2019:


Kick us aQuickEnquiry

“There is a little GIANT inside everybody
170 Stoney Creek Rd,
Bexley NSW 2207
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